Frequently asked questions.
Is this the standard Alim course?
Yes, the same cirriculum is used throughout the English speaking world (UK, and South Africa for example) with a slight variation in the books.
Can a student enroll in both the Hifdh and Alim program?
Darul ‘Uloom of Seattle offers two branches, namely the hifdh branch and the ‘Alim course branch. A student can only be enrolled in one branch at one time. If a student wishes to do hifdh on their own, that would be their responsibility.
What will students learn throughout the course (high level picture of what is being taught)?
The student will be proficient in the major branches of the Sacred Knowledge such as Tafsir, Hadith, and Fiqh. They will have an unbroken chain of narration from themselves to the Prophet (Sallallahu ‘Alayhi Wa Sallam) in these branches of the Sacred Knowledge, for more information refer to the cirriculum page.
What is the enrollment process?
Apply online once applications open, once a decision has been made regarding the application you will be emailed and told the next steps. If admitted the student and parent are invited to an interview, after a final decision has been made regarding the applicant, student will be notified and will be asked to complete registration forms, pay tuition and bring a letter of recommendation.
What are the prerequisites to join?
The pre-requisites are that the student should be able to read the Holy Quran, and write English and Arabic. As for Arabic, they simply need to know how to read the text/script and write. The comprehension aspect will be taught to them.
What is expected from the Parents?
Teachers and parents together play an important role in the Islamic education and tarbiyah of the student. We need paretns to:
Support the teachers
Encourage the student to complete their homework
Support the student in implementing their knowledge
Schedule appointments/vacations outside of school hours
Keep the student in their Dua’s
How do we get in touch if we have more questions?
For more inquiries about any of our programs, you can email